Saturday, February 13, 2010

The long-awaited moment...

The pain is much better today - almost none. And the foley came out this morning, also a big step forward. But the biggest moment today was when I finally passed gas. This means my bowels are finally working again, so I can start to eat normally, and the terrible nausea is finally going away. I have never been so excited about farting. I was able to walk around much more easily this evening.

April continues to feel great, and her creatinine is down to 0.9! She appears to be ready to run a marathon. She is being discharged today and it looks like I'll be out tomorrow.

Our friends Debbie and David from Houston visited us. My cousin Pat actually flew in from North Dakota to visit us. It was great to see them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my are cracking me up! The things we take for granted, right!?! So glad you and April are feeling great. What a blessing!


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