Thursday, February 11, 2010

And the kidney is in!

We both came out of surgery several hours ago. Everything went perfectly. We are doing fine. The kidney worked immediately, and April's edema has already gone away. She feels GREAT - the best she has felt in years - and is just ecstatic about her new kidney and the better life ahead for us.


  1. Very glad to hear that! Let me know when you are up for a visit, as I'd like to drop by.

    My mom also sends her best.

    Take care,

    Debbie Benignus

  2. I am relieved that everything went ok. 3P sends their best wishes to you and your wife for a speedy recovery.

    Valerie Badgett

  3. I am thankful that all has gone well, and I pray that it continues to do so. Dr. Gillespie, you have done a wonderful thing giving your wife new life. Both of you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. Glenda Berberich RN, charge nights

  4. Hey Dr. G. and April,

    We have 12 inches of snow on the ground and we are in the unit dialyzing the kids. I am very glad to hear everything went well and you both are in my prayers. We are all celebrating your new start, what a love story.

    Sherri Smith-Keys

  5. Hello Dr.G and Mrs.G.

    I'm so glad to hear that everything went well with the transplant. It's been five years this month I donated one of my kidneys to cancer, so believe me I know how you feel. One day you'll wake up and all the pain will be a thing of the past. Every time you see that beautiful smile on April's face that will be all the pain med you need.

    Take Care and Hurry Back,
    Debra White

  6. Can you tell we are listening up? What a wonderful gift, how fitting the season. I guess it is premature to request a really dark beer? Sounds right to me, though. O well, I can get you one for your return.

    Thoughts & prayers,


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